Wright Forensic Consulting

Josh Wright
Expert witness in the area of Ballistics and Firearm & Tool Mark Identification with approximately twenty years of combined state and private experience and testified over 85 times as an expert witness. Previously Josh was employed by the FL Department of Law Enforcement in the Firearms and Crime Scene sections of the laboratory. His expertise includes:
- Muzzle to target distance determination
- Gunshot residues (GSR)
- Firearm examination to determine operability and safety
- Comparison of fired ammunition components to known evidence
- Crime scene/shooting reconstruction to include number of shots and firearms fired
- Shooter location
- Cartridge case ejection pattern analysis
- Trajectory analysis
- Microscopic comparisons
- Gunshot wounds (GSW) entrance / exit
- Lead detection analysis
- Analysis of accidental or unintentional discharge of a firearm
- Inter-limb interaction
- Startle response
- Trip and fall response
- Sympathetic muscle response
- Inter-limb interaction